Your favorite hot pepper flavor infused with salt! Here are some uses for the Jalapeno Sea Salt:
Jalapeno Fried Egg. This is super-easy and so delicious.
When your egg is almost ready to come out of the pan, just sprinkle it with Caravel Gourmet's Jalapeno Sea Salt it’s an easy way to give your eggs instant flavor.

Jalapeno Chicken. You can salt a chicken two ways, depending on how much time you have. If you’re going to cook in the next hour or two (up to 6 hours), make a brine - add ¼ cup Caravel Gourmet's Jalapeno Sea Salt for every 1 cup hot water (dissolve the salt) and 1 cup ice water. Take the pieces of chicken you’re going to cook, and add them to the brine. If you’re going to cook 6 hours or more away, then coat the pieces in a healthy sprinkle of Caravel Gourmet's Jalapeno Sea Salt, wrap them back up, and put them in the fridge.
Jalapeno Hummus. When making hummus from scratch, use Caravel Gourmet's Jalapeno Sea Salt for the salt normally used to season the hummus. The result is a savory treat with a slight, brief kick of Jalapeno.
Grilled Jalapeno Shrimp. Preheat your grill to medium heat, then mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil, a teaspoon of paprika, and a tablespoon of Caravel Gourmet's Jalapeno Sea Salt. Toss the shelled shrimp in that mixture, then grill each side of the shrimp for 2-3 minutes, until opaque.
Baked Jalapeno Kale Chips. One of many options we have for seasoning kale chips, Caravel Gourmet’s Jalapeno Sea Salt makes kale chips that zing with Jalapeno y flavor. Prep the kale as you normally would, toss with olive and the sea salt, and bake at 350F until the edges are brown.